Everyone keeps asking me what I want for Christmas and my usual response is "I don't know" I really haven't thought about what I want. So I decided to go to the ever so helpful Polyvore and think long and hard about what I reaaaally want. So with out further adieu I give you the Christmas List....
At the top of my list is something that is probably on everyone's list right now; the Camel coat. I will not lie I've been wanting a camel coat ever since I saw Kim K gracing the streets of Paris in one. Next would be a pair of boots particularly the ones pictured above from Zara I've been LUSTING over these for awhile now. I'm in desperate need of a black bag preferably one that can double as a satchel and hand bag, the one above is Givenchy... clearly its just a reference because its far out of my budget and I couldn't imagine asking for such a pricey bag from my loved ones. J. Brand Jeans are always a safe bet for a gift for me I love this brand and their jeans fit me perfectly. I've been searching High and Low for the perfect floppy hat but haven't found one just yet I came close at American Apparel but i was too cheap to buy it. I'd love to be gifted a copious amount of Camies in different shades, as well as an awesome slip dress. A Nike hoodie has been on my to get list for awhile too. Last but never least I adore anything NARS, I'm hooked on the line especially the lipsticks. So there you have it my Christmas list..... Friends and Family take notes;) Whats on your Christmas List?
Happy Holidays
lovely post!